Monday, April 26, 2010


Ok, so I think I told you that we tried changing Lili's crib to a toddler bed a while back and she wanted nothing to do with it. So, we used bungee cords to attach the crib piece back on.  Well, Saturday night I woke up about 4 am to a cooing sound outside our bedroom door. Lili had climbed out of her crib and was making her way through our bathroom by the time I got out of bed. I got her to lie back down thankfully! Of course then I couldn't get back to sleep! Go figure! HA!  This morning I was in my closet getting dressed when I heard a funny noise from Lili's bedroom then within a minute she was standing in front of me! I'm thinking we might be going back to the toddler bed!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lili speak:
Dutch or Dodge=car
Sue or see=excuse me
awn to=I want to
sighs=sorry (yesterday she said "I'm sorry" plain as day!)
see here=I want to sit here

Monday, April 12, 2010

I hope I don't jinx it... Lili has been sitting quietly in her rocking chair for several minutes eating a sucker! I havenl[ seen her sit still this long ever!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lili is sitting in the back seat of the truck & starts making fake snoring noises. we look back & she flashes a big grin! lol 2 yrs old & already a smartypants!
We tought Lili a prayer and now she is going round saying "Aaaaay-men! Aaaaay-men! Aaaaay-men!"
Jim was hammering on something & making lots of noise so Lili hollared "Dad! Dad! Hush!" haha! Good thing she's cute!

Friday, April 2, 2010

smart kid:
I ask lili to open the fridge door. she tries. can't get it. sets her milk down & uses left hand for leveredge & pulls fridge open with ease!